Friday, January 6, 2012

Lesson Learned

As everyone knows, when you have fibromyalgia you have to exercise to help reduce all the pain you experience.I go to physical therapy once a week, they have me do several exercises, and make me get on the equipment for five minutes at a time, then switch to another one.

Physical therapy does not bother me one bit, it helps alot with the pain, more then my pain killers do sometimes.And I'm also getting a great workout at the same time. My favorite equipment is the life fitness stationary bike,it gives me such an amazing workout, and helps prevent my FMS leg cramps.

When I'm not at physical therapy, I do a little working out myself. I have a super lightweight bikes that I ride daily, I need it light otherwise my back would start hurting right after lifting it off the rack in my garage.

So last week I went on a long bike ride, I was gone for hours, even got lost. I wasn't paying attention when I was going down a hill and turning a corner, I got hit by a car. I broke a few bones, and Im banged up pretty bad, but the worst part is that my poor bike is ruined.Physical therapy said I would have to wait 5 months before I could go back on any sort of bike.As of right now my fun on wheels is a leg scooter.

Don't stop riding just cause of what happened to me, I was being careless and not paying attention.Also I was super tired from the long bike ride I was on, I just wanted to get home.So always pay attention to traffic,hopefully I learned my lesson enough for the both of us.

Monday, November 28, 2011

FMS and Working out

I have had Fibromyalgia for 6 years now, and they have been about the worst 6 years of my life. The only thing that has helped me is helped me, is the medication that my pain management put me on and working out for an hour or more a day. I have been doing yoga for the past year. And Ive got to tell you, its one of the best things I have ever done. To get a good yoga workout, you need a good pair of yoga pants . You need to be comfortable while you are working out, and you need to being feeling atleast ok that day.Otherwise it really wont help in the end.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Advice from sister

Thanks for the article from Jermaine Haynes

My sister and I are both nurses, and we both really enjoy our jobs. We actually work at the same hospital. She started there about a year before I did, and when I graduated from nursing school she helped me get a job at the same hospital at which she works. She is my best friend, and her family only lives about ten minutes from us. Her children are very close to my two kids, and we love being so close. Rachel and Mike looked into TEXAS electricity providers, and they found one they liked who offered fixed-rate energy. They switched over and have been very pleased. My husband has mentioned that he would like to try fixed-rate energy as well. One of the things I love about having them so close is that we are such a support system for each other. If one of us needs a babysitter, the other one is right there to help. If one of my kids is sick, I can leave the other at Rachel’s and go to the doctor. It is such a blessing to have family close by and willing to help.

Im loving this

I love this, not only does it help boost your brain, it helps with Fibromyalgia. So check it out, otherwise you will be missing out! And trust me, you don't want to! :)